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Understanding the interrelationships between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and the services nature provides to people is a fundamental challenge for both scientists and practitioners. Accelerating environmental change is complicating this by leading to novel assemblages of species and ecosystem states. To resolve these challenges, my lab works across the interface of fundamental and applied ecology, leveraging concepts and techniques from community ecology, global change biology, and biodiversity conservation. Our research combines field and trait-based experiments with plants, cutting edge quantitative approaches, and syntheses of biodiversity data from a wide range of ecosystems including grasslands, wetlands, and forests. 

MSU Today

MSU Today

Isabelle Turner presents her post-bac research at ESA

Isabelle Turner presents her post-bac research at ESA

New paper in Proceedings B!

New paper in Proceedings B!

We show how the importance of biodiversity for stability scales from local to regional ecosystems using 20 years of NA Breeding Birds

New pub in Ecology Letters!

New pub in Ecology Letters!

My research on how disturbance and dispersal interact to alter plant beta-diversity featured on the cover of Ecology Letter, March 2017

Ashley Knudson Presents!

Ashley Knudson Presents!

Congrats to Ashley Knudson who presented her amazing honors thesis at the Washington University Undergraduate Research Symposium! "Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships are mediated by the environment and functional trait assembly"


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