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Peer-reviewed articles (Google Scholar)


Wisnoski NIAndrade RCastorani MCNCatano CPCompagnoni ALamy TLany NKMarazzi LRecord SSmith ACSwan CM, Tonkin JDVoelker NMZarnetske PLSokol ER (2023) Diversity–stability relationships across organism groups and ecosystem types become decoupled across spatial scales. Ecology doi:10.1002/ecy.4136

Catano CP, Groves AM, Brudvig LA (2023) Community assembly history alters relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functions during restoration. Ecology doi:10.1002/ecy.3910

Atkinson J, Goves AM, Towers IR, Catano CP, Brudvig LA (2023) Trait-mediated community assembly during experimental grassland restoration is altered by planting year rainfall. Journal of Applied Ecology doi:10.1111/1365-2664.14430

Paraskevopoulos A, Catano CP, Brudvig LA (2023) Ant and plant diversity responds differently to seed-based restoration. Restoration Ecology 31:e13853


*Reu JC & *Catano CP, Spasojevic MJ, Myers JA (2022) β-diversity as a driver of forest biomass across spatial scales. Ecology doi:10.1002/ecy.3774

          *Undergraduate mentee & co-lead authors

Catano CP, Bassett T, Bauer J, Grman E, Groves AM, Zirbel CR, Brudvig LA (2022) Soil resources mediate the strength of species but not trait convergence across grassland restorations. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:384-393

          *SPECIAL FEATURE: UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration


Catano CP, Grman E, Behrens E, Brudvig LA. (2021) Species pool size alters species-area relationships during experimental community assembly. Ecology 102:e03231

Brudvig LA and Catano CP (2021) Prediction and uncertainty in restoration science. Restoration Ecology doi:10.1111/rec.13380

          *THE ROYAL SOCIETY MEETING: Restoration Science - Relevant for Action


Catano CP, Fristoe TS, LaManna JA, Myers JA (2020) Local species diversity, beta-diversity, and climate influence the regional stability of bird biomass across North America. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287:20192520

Adu-Oppong B, Mangan SA, Stein C, Catano CP, Myers JA, Dantas G (2020) Prairie plants harbor distinct and beneficial endophytic bacterial communities. PLoS ONE 16:e0234537


Spasojevic MJ, Catano CP, LaManna JA, Myers JA (2018) Integrating species traits into species pools. Ecology 99:1276-1276 


Catano CP, Dickson TL, Myers JA (2017) Dispersal and neutral sampling mediate contingent effects of disturbance on plant beta-diversity: A meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 3:347-356

LaManna JA, Belote RT, Burkle LA, Catano CP, Myers JA (2017) Negative density dependence mediates biodiversity-productivity relationships across scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1:1107-1115​

Beerens JM, Trexler JC & Catano CP (2017) Predicting wading bird and aquatic faunal responses to ecosystem restoration scenarios. Restoration Ecology  25:S86-S98

Prior to 2017

Catano CP & Stout IJ (2015) Functional relationships reveal keystone effects of the gopher tortoise on vertebrate diversity in a longleaf pine savanna. Biodiversity and Conservation 24:1957-1974

Catano CP, Romañach SS, Beerens JM, Pearlstine LG, Brandt LA, Hart KM, Mazzotti FJ & Trexler JC (2015) Using scenario planning to evaluate the impacts of climate change on wildlife populations and communities in the Florida Everglades. Environmental Management 55:807-823

Catano CP, Angelo JJ & Stout IJ (2014) Sample grain influences the functional relationship between canopy cover and gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrow abandonment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 13:166-172

Technical Reports & Ecological Modeling Products

Catano CP & Trexler JC (2014) CERP-MAP aquatic fauna model development. pp. 77-103. In: Refining the prey base fish Performance measure. 3.3.8 Predictive and Assessment Tools, Agreement: W912HZ-10-2-0033. 

Trexler JC, Catano CP, Shideler A, Kline J & Loftus W (2013) Long-term trends of fish and crayfish biomass and community composition in the Southern Everglades. pp. 1 – 116. In: Monitoring Fish and Decapod Crustaceans in Everglades National Park. Cooperative Agreement: CA-H5000060104, Task No. J5297-07-0024.

Catano CP & Trexler JC (2013) CEPP model predictions of freshwater fish densities. Report to RECOVER for Greater Everglades Module team c/o United States Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville FL, and South Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL.

Catano CP & Trexler JC. 2012. Evaluation modeling: Existing vs. CERP0 model comparison of predicted freshwater fish densities. pp. 24 – 49. In: Monitoring Fish and Decapod Crustaceans in Everglades National Park, Part B. Cooperative Agreement: CA-H5000060104, Task No. J5297-07-0024.


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